Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/131

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

DARBWYLLO, to persuade
DARGANFOD, to discover
DARGANFYDDIAD, m., discovery.
DARLUNIO, to portray, to depict.
DARLUNIAD, m., representation.
DARLLEN, to read.
DARN, m., piece.
DARU, fr. darfod, used as an auxiliary.
DATOD, to loosen.
DAU, two; f., dwy.
DAW, 3 sg. Pres., dyfod.
DE, right; south.
DEALL, to understand.
DEALL, m.. intellect, understanding.
DECHREU, to begin.
DEDWYDD, happy.
DEFNYDD, m., material.
DEFNYDDIO, to use.
DEFOSIYNOL, devotional.
DEFFRO, to awake.
DEFFROAD, m., awakening.
DEG, ten.
DEHEUDIR, m.. southern region, south, South Wales.
DEIGR. m., tear; pl., dagrau.
DEIL, 3 sg. pres., dal.
DENU, to allure, to entice.
DERW, f., pl., oak-trees.
DERYN, m., bird.
DESGRIFIO, to describe.
DESGRIFIAD, m., description.
DEUAI, 3 sg. imperf., dyfod.
DEUNAW, eighteen.
DEWIN, m., wizard, soothsayer.
DEWIS, to choose.
DEWIS, m., choice.
DEWR, brave.
DEYD, sec dweyd.
DIALEDD, m., revenge.
DIAMDDIFFYN, unprotected.
DIANAF, perfect, without defect, scatheless.
DIANC. to escape.
DIDDOS, sheltered.
DIDDIG, contented.
DIEITHR, strange.
DIFLANNU, to vanish.
DIFODI, to destroy, to ravage.
DIFRIFOL, earnest, serious.
DIFRODI, to devastate, to waste.
DIFYR, amusing.
DIFYRRU, to amuse.
DIFFYGIO, to be weary, to flag, to fail.
DIG, m., anger, wrath.
DIGIO, to offend. to be offended
DIGOFUS, wrathful, angry.
DIGON, enough.
DIGRIF. amusing.
DIGRIFWCH, m amusement.
DIGWMWL, cloudless.
DIGWYDD, to happen.
DHOENI, to decay, to grow languid.
DILYN, to follow.
DILLAD. m. pl., clothes.
DIM, nothing.
DIME, f., half—penny.
DINAS. f., city.
DINISTRIO, to destroy.
DINISTRIOL, destructive.
DINIWED, harmless.
DIODDEF, to endure, to suffer.
DIOG, lazy.
DIOGEL, safe.
DIOGELWCH. m.. safety.
DIOLCH, to thank.
DIOLCHGAR, thankful.
DIOSG, to undress.
DIREIDI, m., mischief.
DIREIDUS, mischievous.
DIRMYG, m.. contempt.
DISGLAER. bright.
DISGWYL, to expect.
DISGWYLIAD, m., expectation.
DISGYBL, m., disciple.
DISGYN, to descend, to alight.
DISTAW, silent.
DISTAWRWYDD, m.. silence.
DISTEWI, lo become silent.
DIWEDD, m., end.