Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/133

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

EISIEU, m., need.
EISTEDD, to Sit.
ELAI, 3 sg. imperf.. fr. myned.
ELED, 3 sg. imperf., fr. myned.
ELW, m., profit, possession.
ELWIR, pres. pass., fr. galw.
ELLID, perf. pass., fr. gallu.
EMRYNT, pl. of amrant.
ENAID, m., soul.
ENBYD, dangerous, awful.
ENCILIO, to retreat, to withd raw.
ENI, see geni
ENNILL, to win, to gain.
ENNYD, m., while, time, moment.
ENW, m., name.
ENWAR, fr. genwar, f., fishing rod.
ENWEDIG, especial.
ENWI, to name.
ENWOG, noted.
ER, though, since, for.
ERBYN, against, opposite.
ERCHYLL. terrible.
EREILL, m., pl., others.
ERFYN, to implore.
ERFYN, m., tool, instrument.
ERGYD, m., throw, shot.
ERIOED, ever.
ERLEDIGAETH, f., persecution.
ERLID, to chase, to pursue.
ERLIDGAR, persecuting
ERLIDIEDIC, chased, persecuted.
ERLTDIWR, m , persecutor.
ERYS, 3 ag. pres., fr. aros.
ESBONIO, to explain.
ESGID, f., boot.
ESGYN, to ascend, to rise.
ESIAMPL, f., example.
ESMWYTH, easy, quiet.
ESTYN, to roach, stretch out.
ETO, again.
EURAIDD, golden.
EUOG, guilty.
EWYLLYS, f., will, testament.
EWYLLYSIO, to desire.
EWYTITR. m.. uncle.
FAINT, how much, how many.
FALCH, see balch.
FAN, see man.
FARWNIG, see barwnig.
FASWN=BUASWN, fr. bod.
FEL, just as.
FELLY, so, thus.
FERFAIDD, fr. ,merfaidd. insipid.
FIL, see mil.
FILIAST, see miliast.
FIN, see min.
FODD, see bodd.
FRADWRUS, see bradwrus.
FYNY, upwards.
FFAFR, f., favour.
FFAIR, f., fair; pl., ffeiriau.
FFARM, f., farm.
FFEI o IIONOT, for shame!
FFENESTR, f., window.
FFERMDY, m., farmhouse.
 FFO, m., flight, retreat.
FFODUS, fortunate.
FFOI, to flee.
FFOL, foolish.
FFOLINEB, m. folly.
FFON, f., staff.
FFORDD, f., way, road.
FFOR BYNNAG, however.
FFOS, f., ditch.
FFRAINC, f., France.
FFRANCWR, m., Frenchman.
FFROEN, f., nostril, nose.
FFROMI, to grow angry.
FFRWD, f., stream, torrent.
FFRWST, m., haste, hurry.
FFRWYN, f., bridle.
FFRWYTH, m., fruit.
FFURF, f., shape, form.
FFUST, f., thresher.
 FFWL, m., fool.
FFWRDD, off, away.
FFYDDLAWN, faithful.
FFYDDLONDEB, 7?i., faithfulness.
FFYNIDWYDD, m., pl.. pine trees.
FFYRNIG, fierce, cruel.