Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/138

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

MEDDIANNU, to posses.
MEDDU, to possess.
MEDDW, drunk.
MEDDWL, to think.
MEDDYG, m., doctor.
MEDDYLGAR, thoughtful.
MEGIS, as.
MEIDDIO, to dare.
MEINLLIN, m., fine linen.
MEISTR, m., master.
MEL, m., honey.
MELIN, f., mill.
MELUS, sweet.
MELYN FFLAM, flaming yellow.
MELYNDDU, tawny.
MELLDITH. f., curse.
MENTRO, to venture.
MERCH, f., daughter.
METHIANT, m., failure.
METHU, to fail.
MEWN, in.
MIL, thousand.
MILGI, m. greyhound. MILIAST, f.
MILWR, m., soldior.
MILLTTR, f., mile.
MIN, m., edge.
MINIOG, sharp.
MINTAI, f., company, host.
MLYNEDD, see blwyddyn.
MOD, see bod.
MODFEDD, f., inch.
MODRWY, f., ring.
MODRYB, f., aunt.
MODD, m., means.
MOEL, bare.
NOESGAR, courteous.
MOESGARWCH. m., courtesy.
MÔN, f., Anglesey.
MÔR, m., sea.
MOR, as.
MORIO, to sail.
MORWR, m., sailor.
MORWYN, f., maid.
MUD, dumb.
MUL, m., mule.
MUNUD, f., minute.
MUR, m., wall.
MWG, m., smoke.
MWNG, m., mano.
MWY, more.
MWYN, kind. gentle.
MWYNDER, m. gentleness.
MWYNHAU, to enjoy
MWYNIANT, ln. enjoyment.
MYFYRIO, to study.
MYNED, to go.
MYNNU, to will. to insist.
MYNYDD, m., mountain.
MYNYDDIG, mountainous.
NACAOL, negative. refusing.
NABOD, see adnabod.
NADDO, no.
NAG, than.
NAGE, no.
NAID, f., jump, leap.
NAILL. . LLALL, one other.
NAIN, f., grandmother.
NANT, f., brook.
NATUR, f., nature.
NEB, none, nobody .
NEFOEDD, f. pl . heaven.
NEGES, f., message.
NEHEUDIR, see deheudir.
NEIDIO, to jump
NEIFION, m., Neptune.
NEIFF=GWNEIFF, fr. gwneud
NERTH, m., might. power.
NES, until.
NESAF, nearest, next.
NEU, or.
NEWID, to change.
NEWYDD, new; m., news.
NEWYN, m., hunger.
NIFER, m., number.
NIWL, m., mist, fog.
NOD, f., mark.
NODWEDDU, to characterize.
NODWYDD. f., needle.
NODDED, f., protection.
NOETH, naked.
NOFIO, to swim.