Tudalen:Llyfr Del (OME).pdf/139

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon

NOLEF, see dolef.
NWNDWR, see dwndwr.
NWR, see dwfr.
NWYDWYLLT, passionate.
NWYDDAU, pl., goods.
NYCHRYN, see dychryn.
NYFNDER, see dyfnder.
NYFROEDD, see dwfr.
OCHENAID, f., sigh
OCHENEIDIO. to sigh.
OCHR, f., side.
ODIAETH, fine, peculiar. notable.
ODID, OND ODID, probably.
ODYN, f., kiln.
ODDITAN, from under.
ODDIYNO, from there.
OED, m., age.
OEN, m. lamb pl., wyn.
OER, cold.
OERFEL, m., Cold.
OES, f., age; pl., oesoedd.
OFER, useless, vain.
OFEREDD, m., dissipation.
OFN, m., fear.
OFNADWY, terrible.
OFNI, to fear.
OFNUS, timorous.
OHERWYDD, because.
OL, mark; YN OL, according to, backwards; AR OL. behind.
OLEW, m., oil.
OLEWYDDEN, f., olive tree.
OND, but.
ONIBAI, if it were not.
ONID. if not, except, until.
ONIDE, is it not so? otherwise.
ORIAU, pl. of awr.
OS, if.
PABELL, f., tent; pl., pebyll.
PABYDD, m., Roman Catholic.
PAENT, m., paint.
PAHAM, PAM, why?
PALMWYDDEN, f., palm tree.
PAN, when.
PANT, m., hollow, low place.
PAPUR. m . paper.
PAR, 2 sg. imperf., peri, to cause, to bid.
PARATOI. to prepare.
PARCH, m., respect.
PARCHU, to respect.
PARLWR, m., parlour.
PAROD, ready.
PARTH, m., region.
PAWB, all, everybody.
PE, if.
PECYN, m., parcel.
PECHOD, m., sin.
PECHADUR, m., sinner.
PEDWAR, four.
PEIDIO, to cease, to leavo off.
PEILLIAID, m., flour.
PEL. f., ball.
PELL, far.
PELLDER, m., distance.
PELLEN, f., ball.
PELLENIG, far, remote.
PEN, m., head.
PENDERFYNU, to determine.
PENDERFYNIAD, m., determination.
PENDWMPIAN. to be nodding.
PENNOETH, bareheaded.
PENNOD, f., chapter.
PENRHYN, m., promontory, cape.
PENTREF, m., village.
PENYD, m., atonoment, penance.
PER, sweet, delicious.
PERCHENNOG. f'., owner.
PERFFAITH, perfect.
PERFFEITHIO, to perfect.
PERI, to cause, to bid.
PERSON, m., parson.
PERTHYN, related, belonging to.
PERTHYNASm., relation.
PERYGL, m., danger.
PERYGLU, to endanger.
PETRISEN, f. partridge.
PETH, m., thing;
PETH BYNNAG, whatsoever.
PIG, f., beak, bill.
PISTYLL, m., spout.