Teulu Bach Nantoer/Geirfa
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Wedi ei threfnu er hwylustod i'r plant yn yr ysgol a'r cartref, gyda'r geiriau yn eu ffurf dreigladol, os felly yn y stori, gan W. M. ROBERTS.
GEIRFA (Vocabulary)
NODIAD.-Fe welir fod llawer o'r geiriau yn yr Eirfa yn eu ffurf dreigladol, fel ag y maent yn y stori. Diau y bydd hyn yn hwylustod i lawer, gan mai ychydig o blant sy'n ddigon hyddysg yn y Gymraeg i droi at y gair yn ei ffurf wreiddiol. Os na fydd gair yn ymddangos yn ei ffurf dreigladol yn yr Eirfa, gellir cymryd yn ganiataol mai yn ei ffurf wreiddiol y mae.
ANSODDEIRIAU A RHAGFERFAU.-Gan na ellir dweud oddi wrth ei ffurf (yn y Gymraeg) pa un ai ansoddair ynteu berf ydyw gair, rhaid i'r berthynas a ddeil gyda rhan o frawddeg, sylweddair, berf. neu ansoddair cyfagos, benderfynu'r pwnc. Ceir fod rhagferf a lythrennir yn unfath ag ansoddair, yn cael ei rhag- flaenu mewn brawddeg gan y gair yn. Os na fydd gradd cpv, eq, neu sv, yn gysylltiedig ag ansoddair, deëllir ei fod yn y Radd Gysefin (Positive).
BYRFODDAU (Abbreviations)
a | . . . | adjective | . . . | ansoddair. |
adv | . . . | adverb | . . . | rhagferf. |
cpv | . . . | comparative degree of adjective | . . . | gradd gymharol. |
eq | . . . | equative degree of adjective | . . . | gradd gyfartal. |
nm | . . . | Noun masculine | . . . | sylweddair gwrywol. |
f | . . . | feminine | . . . | benywol. |
nf | . . . | Noun feminine | . . . | sylweddair benywol. |
np | . . . | noun plural | . . . | enw lliosog. |
p | . . . | plural | . . . | lluosog. |
P | . . . | page | . . . | tudalen. |
prep | . . . | preposition | . . . | arddodiad. |
pn | . . . | pronoun | . . . | rhagenw. |
pt | . . . | past tense | . . . | amser gorffennol. |
rf | . . . | radical form | . . . | ffurf wreiddiol. |
S | . . . | singular | . . . | unigol. |
sf | . . . | singular feminine | . . . | |
sm | . . . | singular masc. | . . . | |
sv | . . . | superlative degree of adjective | . . . | gradd eithafol. |
v | . . . | verb | . . . | berf. |
ACHUBWYD, v saved (pt.)
ADEGAU, np season (sg adeg).
ADDURN, n ornament.
ADDYSG, n education.
AELWYD, nf hearth.
AGORAIS, v (1) opened (prt).
ANGAU, n death.
ANGHYSBELL, a remote.
ALLU, n power; rf gallu.
ALLWEDD, nf key.
ANAML, ady seldom.
ANERCHIAD, n address.
ANRHYDEDD, n honour.
ANWYBODUS, a ignorant.
ARDAL, nf neighbourhood.
ARHOLIAD, n examination.
ARIAN, a (in this case, p 3), silver; (p. 60, it is a noun, and means wealth or money).
AROGL, n smell, scent.
ARWYR, np heroes; sq arwr.
ASTUD, adv attentively, diligently.
AWCHUS, adv eagerly.
BACH (p. 39, line 19), n hook.
BAE (mûr-gilfach),n bay.
BARN, n judgment.
BASTAI, n pie (rf pastai)
BELYDRAU, np rays, beams (rf, sq pelydr).
BENBLETH, nf perplexity (rf penbleth).
BENDERFYNIAD, n determination (rf penderfyniad).
BENTAN, n hob (rf pentan).
BENTHYG, n loan.
BEUDY, n cow-house.
BODDI, v drown(ed), (pt).
BREF, nf bleat.
BREICHIAU, np arms (sq braich).
BRENNAU, np timber (rf, sg pren).
BRWDFRYDIG, a enthusiastic.
BRYD, n time (rf pryd);HEN BRYD, high time.
BRYDERUS, adv (in this case, p. 5), anxiously (rf pryderus).
BWRLYMAI v bubbled (pt).
BWTHYN, nf cottage.
BYCHAN, a small.
BYW (I'R a quick last line p. 62).
BYWOLIAETH, nf a living, livelihood.
CALANGAEAF, n Allhallowtide,
Allsaints (November 1st, the period when, in some districts, servants are engaged).
CAMWEDD, n wrong, transgression, iniquity.
CAREDIG, a kind.
CEFNU, v to turn their backs (p. 21), return.
CENEDL, n nation.
CERBYD, n carriage.
CERYDD, n rebuke, reproof.
CLAWDD, n fence, dyke, hedge.
CLOD, n praise.
CLWYD, n gate (n this sense, p. 32) South Wales; Llidiart is the word used in N. Wales for gate, clwyd being used for "roost."
CNOI, v chewing.
CRIBINIAU, np rakes (sg cribin see rhaca).
CROESO, n welcome.
CURAIS (I) knocked (pt).
CWR, n corner, spot.
CYFLE, n opportunity.
CYFREITHIWR, n solicitor, lawyer.
CYNGHORION, np advice, counsel (s cyngor).
CYMDOGION, np neighbours (s cymydog).
CYMRU n Wales.
CYMRY, np Welshmen (sg Cymro)
CYNHAEAF, n harvest.
CYNNAR, a early.
CYSEGREDIG, a sacred, consecrated.
CHOL, n lap (rf côl).
CHROEN, nf (f in this case), skin (rf croen).
CHWEDL, nf story, fable, tale.
CHWIBANU, v whistling.
CHWILIO, v to search.
CHWYRN, adv (in this case, p. 29), rapidly, swiftly.
CHYFEIRIAD, n direction (rf cyfeiriad).
CHYFLWYNO, v to present (rf cyflwyno).
DAFLOD, nf loft, attic (rf taflod).
DAETHAI v came (pt.)
DAGRAU, np tears (sg deigryn).
DEBYCED, a, eg. d. how like.
DEDWYDDWCH, n happiness.
DEGAN, n toy (rf tegan).
DEDDF, n law, ordinance.
DEITHIO, v travelling (rf teithio).
DIBYNNU, v rely, depend.
DIDRAI a unfailing.
DIDDORDEB, n interest.
DIDDOS, a snug.
DIHUNAIS, v (I) awoke (pt).
DILYNWN, pv (we) follow (sg dilynaf).
DIODDEF, v to suffer.
DIOSGWYD, v stripped, taken off
DISGYNNAI, descended (pt).
DISTAW, a silent.
DIREIDI, n mischievousness.
DIYSGOG, a immovable, firm.
DLYSNI, n beauty (rf tlysni).
DRAETH, n shore, (rf traeth).
DWYS, a serious, grave.
DYFALU, V conjecturing.
DYNER, adv. (in this case),
tenderly (rf tyner).
DYRNU, v to thresh.
DDAMWAIN, n accident (rf damwain).
DDARLLEN, v reading (rf darllen).
DDEWRED, a eq.d. as brave (rf dewred).
DDIBETRUS, adv unhesitatingly (rf dibetrus).
DDIOFAL, a careless (rf diofal).
DDISTAW, adv (in this case, p. 3),
quietly (rf distaw).
DDIWYD, a industrious, diligent (rf diwyd).
DDWYS, adv seriously (rf dwys).
EDRYCHIAD, n look.
EDRYCHODD, v looked (pr).
EGLURHAD, n explanation.
EGWYDDORION, np principles (s egwyddor).
EHANGDER, n expanse.
EILIW, n reflection.
EIRWIR, a truthful (rf geirwir).
EISTEDDAI, V sat (pt).
EITHIN, np gorse (s eithinen).
ENNILL, v carn.
ERAILL, p pn others (s arall).
ERFIN, np turnips (s erfinen).
ESBONIO, v explain.
esmwythfainc, n sofa.
FAE, n bay (rf bae).
FELYSION, np sweets (rf melysion; s melysen).
FEN FAWR, nf a big coach (adv comes first in Eng.); (rf men).
FERWI, v to boil (rf berwi).
FIN, n edge or side (rf min).
FIRI, n pleasure, excitement, rush (rf miri).
FLWYDDYN, n year (rf blwyddyn).
PODDI, v drowning (rf boddi).
FORD, nf table (rf bord).
FORDAITH, nf voyage srf mordaith).
FOR-FORWYN, nf mermaid (rf môr-forwyn).
FREUDDWYD, myf nfm dream (rf breuddwyd.
FUWCH, nf cow (rf buwch).
FWRDD, n board (ship) (rf bwrdd).
FYFYRIO, v musing, medtating (rf myfyrio).
FYNNU, v to will, insist (rf mynnu).
FFAELEDDAU, np failings, faults (s ffaeledd).
GADAWAI'R TYMOR EI OL, the season left its mark.
GAEAF, n winter.
GARUAIDD, adv kindly, lovingly (rf caruaidd).
GARW, a rough.
GEGIN, nf kitchen (rf cegin).
GENLLIP, n torrent, flood (rf cenllif).
GERBYDAU, np vehicles, carriages (rf cerbydau; s cerbyd).
GERFIO, v carved (rf cerfio).
GIST, n chest (to keep things in) (rf cist).
GLAS, a blue.
GLYD, a comfortable (rf clyd).
GLOG, nfm cloak, mantle (rf clôg).
GOLWG, nmf sight, view.
GORCHUDD, n cover(ing).
GORCHYMYN, nf instruction, command.
GORWEL, nf horizon.
GORWEDD, v lying (down).
GRAFANGAU, np claws, clutches (rf crafangau, s crafanc).
GRAFF, adv intently, keenly (rf craff).
GRAWN, n grain.
GREFFT, nf trade, handicraft (rf crefft).
GRUG, n heather.
GWAITH, n work.
GWALLGOFI, v insane, distracted.
GWDDF, n throat, neck.
GWEDD, nf appearance.
GWEINI, V attending, serving.
GWENAI, v smiled (ptf).
GWELLT, np straw (s gwelltyn).
GWISO, nf dress, clothing.
GWLAD, nf country.
GWOBRWYON, np prizes (s gwobr).
GLAW, n rain.
GWRANDEWAIS, v I listened (pr).
GWYCHION, a fine, gay (s gwych).
GWYLIAU, np holiday (s gŵyl).
GWYLIO, v to watch.
GWYNGALCHU, v whitewashing.
GWYNT, n wind.
GYFARWYDD, a acquainted (rf cyfarwydd).
GYFIEITHU, v translate (rf cyfieithu).
GYFNEWIDIAD, n change (rf cyfnewidiad.
GYFRWNG, n means, by means of (rf cyfrwng).
GYFFES, nf confession (rf cyffes).
GYFFYRDDDIAD, n touch, contact (rf cyffyrddiad).
GYHYD, a and adv so long (rf cyhyd).
GYMERIADAU, np characters (rf cymeriadau, s cymeriad).
GYNHARACH, cp earlier (rf cynarach).
GYNWYS, n contents (rf cynwys).
GYNTAF, a first (rf cyntaf).
GYSURUS, a comfortable (rf cysurus).
GYSYLLTIAD, nf connection (rf cysylltiad).
NGHYFEILLION, np friends (rf cyfeillion; s cyfaill).
NGWEDD, n appearance (rf gwedd).
HAFAL, a like, eqqual.
HANWYLIAID, np beloved ones (rf anwyliaid; s anwylyn).
HARDAL, n neighbourhood (rf
HEDD, n peace.
stacks ((s helm, tâs).
HELMAU (teisi, N. Wales), np
HENO, adv to-night.
HEWYLLYS, nm will, testament (rf ewyllys).
HING, n distress, anguish (rf ing).
HIR, a long.
HIRAETH, n yearning, longing.
HONGIAN, v dangling, hanging.
HOSAN, nf stocking.
HWYL, nf sail (HWYLIO, v sailing).
HWYLBREN, n mast.
HWYR, n evening.
HWYRACH, adv perhaps.
HUAWDLEDD, n eloquence.
HYSGWYDDAU, np shoulders (rf ysgwyddau; s ysgwydd).
IAITH, nf language, tongue.
LECH, nf flagstone, or slate (rf llech).
LETHR, nf slope, declivity (rf llethr).
LOGELL, nf pocket (rf llogell).
LUDDED, nf fatigue (rf lludded).
LUN, n portrait (rf llun).
LUS, np bilberries, whortleberries, also whinberries in some districts (rf llus; s llusen).
LYFNU, v to harrow (rf llyfnu).
LLAM, n leap.
LLANC, n youth, lad.
LLENYDDIAETH, n literature.
LLEWYGU, v faint.
LLU, n flood (in this case, p. 21, the sea, ocean).
LLITHRO, v to slip.
LLONG, nf ship.
LLONNI, to gladden.
LLUSERN, n lantern.
LLYFR, n book.
LLYGATDDU, a dark-eyed.
LLYGAID, np eyes (s llygad);
LLYGATLAS, blue eyes.
MACHLUD HAUL, n sunset.
MADDEUANT, n forgiveness, pardon.
MANGRE, nf place.
MANNAU, np places (s man).
MEDDDIANNAU, np possessions (s meddiant).
MEGIR, v (are) reared (p. 46).
MENYW, nf female.
MHENDERFYNIAD, n decision, determination (rf penderfyniad).
MHRIOD, nmf husband or wife, as the case may be (rf priod).
MINIOG, a keen, sharp.
MODRWY, nf ring.
MODRWYOG, curly.
MORWYN, n maid.
MUD, a dumb.
MURIAU, np walls (s mur).
MWYNHAD, n enjoyment.
MYNNAIS, v I insisted (pt).
MYNWENT, nf churchyard.
NADOLIG, n Christmas.
NANTOER, prop.n Cold-stream, name of house.
NEGES, nf message, errand.
NEWYDD FYND HEIBIO, only just over (or passed).
NITHIO, v winnowing.
NIWL, n fog, mist.
NODEDIG, adv (in this case, p. 5), remarkably.
NOSWEITHIAU np nights (s noswaith).
NWYFUS, a lively, sprightly.
OCHENAID, nf groan, sigh.
ODDI ALLAN, prep outside, without.
OFFER-SAER, np carpenter's tools (s offeryn).
OGED, n harrow.
ORIADURON, пp watches (s oriawr).
ORIAWR, nf watch.
ORSAF, nf station (rf gorsaf).
PECHOD, n sin.
PEIRIANT, n machine (threshing machine).
PERT, a pretty.
PILYN, n garment.
PLADURIAU, np scythes (s pladur).
PLENTYN, n child.
PLWYF, n parish.
PORTHI, v to feed.
PRYSUR, ad diligently.
PHOBLOGAIDD, a popular (rf poblogaidd).
RAMANT, n romance (rf rhamant).
RAWIAU, np spades (rf rhawiau; s
RHACA, np harvest rakes (s rhac, see cribin).
RHAEADR nfm cataract, waterfall.
RHAFFAU, np ropes (s rhaff).
RHEITHOR, n rector.
RHIW, nfm hill, ascent.
RHODDION, np gifts (s rhodd).
RHOS, nf moor.
RHUAI, v roared (pt).
RHUDDAUR, a (in this case, p. 15) ruddy-gold.
RYFEDDOD, 7 Wonder (rf rhyfeddod).
SACHAID, nf sackful.
SEIBIANT, leisure.
SERTH, a steep.
SIMNE, na chimney.
SIOMEDIG, a disappointed
SIRIOL, adv (in this case), cheerfully).
SWYDDFA, nf office.
SWYNION, np charms (s swyn).
SYLWEDD, n substance.
SYLLODD, v gazed (pt).
SYNNU, V wondered (pt).
THALCEN, n forehead (rf talcen).
THLYSNI, n beauty (rf tlysni).
TAN, n fire.
TAS, nf stack.
TEGAN, n toy.
TEGELL, n kettle.
TERPYN, n end, close, boundary.
TEULU, n family.
TONNOG, a wavy.
TOSTURIWCH, v imper (you) pity.
TORRI (v) ERFIN (n) literally, cutting turnips; generally known as turnip-pulping.
TORRI (v) GWELLT (n) literally, cutting straw; generally known as chaff-cutting.
TRAETH, n shore.
TREULIASOM, V (we) spent (pt).
TRISTAU, v to sadden, to grieve.
TROCHI, v bathe, dip, immerse.
TROWR, n winder, twister.
TRWSIADUS, a well-dressed.
TYDDYN, n tenement, holding.
TYWYS, np ears (of corn), (s tywysen).
UFUDD a obedient.
UNDONOG, a monotonous.
UNIG, a alone, lonely.
UNLLIW, a of the same colour.
WADODD, v denied (rf gwadodd, pt).
WARIO, v to spend (rf gwario).
WAU, v knitting (rf gwau).
WEDDW, nf widow (rf gweddw).
WELY, ni bed (rf gwely).
WENITH, np wheat (rf gwenith; s gwenithen.
IWERYDD, n Atlantic.
WNIO, V sewing (rf gwniio).
WRTHWYNEBAI, v objected opposed, pt (rf gwrthwynebai).
WYLLT, a wild (rf gwyllt.
WYN EU BYD (YNI, blessed (rf gwyn).
YFORY, adv to-morrow.
YMA adv here.
YMESTYNNAI, v stretched (pt).
YMFFROSTIO, v to boast.
YMGEISYDD (n) SENEDDOL (a) Parliamentary Candidate.
YMLWYBRO, y wending his way.
YMSERCHAIS, v I doted (pt).
YSGLOD(ION), np chips (s ysglodyn).
YSGUBAU, np sheaves (s ysgub).
YSGUBOR, n barn.
YSTAFELL, n room.
YSTOL, n stool.
YSTOR, n abundance, stock.
GEIRFA (Vocabulary)
COMMMUNICATE, v gohebu (ysgrifennu).
CHILDREN, np plant (s child).
DEAR (p. 21), a annwyl.
DISCLOSE, v amlygu.
GIRLS, np merched (s girl).
IMPORTANCE,n pwysig, o bwys.
KINDLY, adv garediced.
LETTER, n llythyr.
ONCE, adv unwaith.
REACHES, v cyrhaedda.
SOMETHING, n rhywbeth.