Tudalen:Breuddwydion Myfanwy.djvu/158

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon
cynhyrfus agitated
cynllun (m.) plan, scheme
cynnal to support, to maintain
cynneu to light (a fire, a candle, etc.)
cyrchu to fetch, to approach
cysegredig sacred
cyson constant, consistent
cwrel (m.) coral
cwta short, abrupt-ly
Chwalu to scatter
chwyfio to wave
chwyrn rapid
chwyrnllif current
chwys perspiration
Darganfod to discover
darganfyddwr (m.) discoverer
deheuig deftly, neatly
delfryd (f.) ideal
dellten (f.) splinter, lath
deniadol attractive
diamddiffyn helpless
dibriod unmarried
dibynnu to depend
didalent ordinary, stupid
didrugaredd unmerciful-ly
diferu dripping
diffeithwch (m.) desert, jungle
digywilydd unashamed
dihysbydd inexhaustible
diobaith without hope
direidus mischievous
dirwyn to wind
disychedu to allay thirst
diynni without energy