Tudalen:Bywgraffiad y diweddar barchedig T. Price.djvu/222

Gwirwyd y dudalen hon


By the Rev. T. Price, M.A., Ph.D, of Aberdare.


The Country.—Geographical situation—Districts—Extent and magnificence chief characteristics—Its Surface—Mountains—Rivers—Lakes—Valleys—Woods.

Personal Impressions—of New York—Brooklyn—Philadelphia—Boston—Camden, NJ.—Washington—President Grant and his Ministry—The Senate Houses and the White House—The River Potomac— Virginia, Richmond, and the great Battle Fields

Among the Welsh—In Maryland—Virginia—Pennsylvania—and the Western parts—The Works—Master and Workman—State of Trade—Wages at Present and in the Future—Condition of the Welsh—What it has been—What it is—and What it ought to be.

Journey to the West——Ohio—Kentucky—Tennessee—Indiana—Missouri—Illinois—The Cities of Cincinnati—Lousville—St. Louis—Chicago—Cleveland—Pittsburg.

State of Religion—of Education—Morals—Sobriety and Politeness—Hospitality and Liberality.

Defects to be remedied—Ways and Means—The Future full of hope.

Emigration to America—Who should emigrate—How to attain the object—Where to go—Mode of proceeding—and what success may be expected.

America a New Country—Incomplete aspects—Enough room to receive the superfluous population of the Old World—And the Future promising to the Honest, the Good, the Diligent, and the Sober.

The Lecture will be Illustrated by a Large Map prepared for this special purpose.

Gwelir oddiwrth yr enghreifftiau hyn fod y Dr. yn darlithio yn Saesneg yn gystal ag yn Gymraeg. Gwnai hyny yn fynych, a dywedir ei fod yn llawn mor rhwydd, ystwyth, a naturiol yn yr iaith fain, fel y gelwir hi, ag ydoedd yn yr hen Omeraeg anwyl. Dywedai Mr. Tudor Evans, Caerdydd, gynt perchenog y Principality:—"Yr oedd y Dr. Price yn ddarlithiwr godidog. Yr oedd yn wahanol braidd i unrhyw Gymro. Nid oedd arno ofn y Sais mewn dim, oblegyd yr oedd yn gystal Sais ag oedd o Gymro." Clywsom yn ddiweddar am ddyn o allu a chymmeriad yn adrodd ei deimlad wedi bod yn gwrandaw