Tudalen:Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesneg Byr, Cyfres y Fil.pdf/29

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Bwmbwl, bubble.

Bwn, the bittern.

Bwrdais, a burgess.

Bwrdd, a table, a board.

Bwrlwm, bubble; byrlymu, to bubble, gurgle.

Bwrn, an inclination to vomit.

Bwrw, to cast, to throw, to vomit; bwriad, an intent, or purpose; bwriadu, to intend, design, or purpose.

Bwth, a cottage.

Bwyaid, eucharist, mass.

Bwyall, bwyell, an axe, hatchet.

Bwyd, meat, victuals; bwyta, to eat; bwyllwrw, provision for a journey.

Bwygilydd, one to the other.

Bwys, hamper, basket.

Bwystfil, a wild beast; bwystgunion, wild beasts.

Bychan, little; bychydig, very little; bychanigyn, a very little thing; bychodedd, slender means; bychodrwydd, few.

Byd, the world; bydol, worldly.

Bydaf, a bee-hive; bydafu, to hive bees.

Bydwraig, a midwife.

Byddag, snare, noose, knot.

Byddar, deaf; byddaru, to wax deaf, or make deaf.

Byddin, an army; byddino, to exercise soldiers.

Bygwl, threatenings; bygylu, to threaten; bygwth, to threaten, threatening.

Bynnag, -soever.

Byrnio, to load.

Byrdon, the burden of a song.

Byrdd, byrddau, tables, boards.

Byrhwch, pry llwyd, pry penfrith, a gray brock, or badger.

Byrllysg, a sceptre, a rod.

Byrn, beirn, barnau, judgments.

Byrr, short; byrhau, to shorten.

Bys, a finger.

Bystwn, a whitlow.

Byth, for ever.

Byther, bydder, bydded, let it be.

Bytheiad, a hound.

Bytheirio, bretheirio, to belch.

Byw, to live, alive; bywiol, lively; bywiogrwydd, liveliness; bywyd, life, livelihood; i'r byw, to the quick.

Bywion, emmets, ants, pismires.


Caban, a cottage, a cabin of a ship.

Cabidwl, chapter, consistory, council-house; cabidyldy, a convocation-house, chapter-house.

Cabl, cabledd, blasphemy; cablu, to blaspheme; cablus, blasphemous.

Cablyd, dydd Iau Cablyd, Maundy or Shear Thursday.

Cabol, smooth; caboli, to smooth; cabolfaen, a smoothing-stone.

Cabrytai, boor, clown.

Caca, ordure.

Cacen, cake; loose woman.

Cacwn, wasps; cacynen, a wasp.

Câch, a turd, dung, excrements; cachad, a mad foolish doating fellow, slothful; cachadydd, cachgi, coward.

Câd, a war, battle, fight; cadeithi, wars; cadfa, the field or place where two armies fight; cad-farch, a war-like horse; cadgno, a sword; cadell, defence, army; cadeithi, qualities; cadgi, mastiff; cadgyffro, insurrection; cadlys, a garrison; cadofydd, strategist; cadorfod, conflict; catrawd, regiment.

Cadach, cader, clout, kerchief.

Cadair, cader, a chair; a strong, or fortified place.