Tudalen:Gwaith Goronwy Owen Cyf II.djvu/112

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

garded more than a hideous jingle of works, which hardly bear sense. But what would I be at again? I must not expect to see these things till the antiquated crwth a thelyn rawn are in fashion, which I much fear is not likely to be within this century.

[At William Morris, Meh. 25, 1754]

BENDITH DDUW a ffynno iwch' am fenthyg eich Telyn Ledr; na thybiwch y byddaf mor greulawn anghrist'nogawl a'i chadw 'n rhy hir, rhag eich nychu o hiraeth! Och fi, onid gwych a fyddai gael tipyn ychwaneg o'r barddoniaeth yna? Ni flinwn byth bythoedd arno.

Ond dywedwch chwi a ddywetoch, ni wnewch byth i mi hoffi eich câr D. ap Gwilym yn fwy na 'r hen Gyrph. Er hynny i gyd ni ddywedais i erioed, fel yr y'ch chwi yn haeru, fod Gwalchmai wedi gwneuthur imi ffieiddio ar Ddeian, ond ar gywyddau pwy bynnag a'u gwnelsynt. Anacreon. amongst the Greeks and Ovid among the Latins, give to some people of particular complexions the most exquisite pleasure and delight. I do not condemn such people's taste; but give me Homer and Virgil; and, in my poor opinion, so much does Gwalchmai excel D. ap Gwilym and his class, as Homer does Anacreon. But every man to his own taste. I claim no sovereignty over any man's judgment, but would be glad to have the liberty of judging for myself.

Ai e! Cymro oedd Emrys Phylib? F' allai mai e. Ond mi adwaenwn frawd iddo oedd yn werthwr llyfrau yn Nghroes Oswallt nas myn-