Tudalen:Hanes Morganwg (Dafydd Morganwg).djvu/30

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Dy gostus deg Gestyll, fu'n britho dy wyneb,
Y mae eu hadfeilion yn profi yn awr
Dy fod wedi gweled ystormydd trychineb,
A gwaedlyd ryfeloedd yn beichio dy lawr;
Ond boed i ti bellach hir ffyniant gwir heddwch,
Na feiddied un gelyn roi ynot ei saeth;
A'th blant fyddo'n trigo dan goron dyddanwch,
Tra dyfroedd Môr Hafren yn golchi dy draeth. —D. M.

Dichon fod gormod o bennillion wedi eu rhoi eisoes genym, etto nis gallwn wrthsefyll y brofedigaeth o gyfleu yma y gan boblogaidd hono a elwir


"The sun was diffusing its rays in its splendour,
The clouds they were gliding through mild and soft gales,
On mountain's high summit by chance I did wander,
I mused on Glamorgan, the Garden of Wales:
My heart was delighted, my views were unbounded,
The hills and the forests with luxure surrounded,
The villager's song through the mountain resounded,
Proclaiming Glamorgan the Garden of Wales.

O'er all the gay objects my views were extended,
Till lost in amazement, beholding the vales,
Convinced of that adage from strangers descended,
"The spot called Glamorgan 's the Garden of Wales :"
The streams and the rivers so pleasantly flowing,
That glide through the valleys, their echoes bestowing,
The songsters of nature with energy glowing,
And warbling "Glamorgan, the Garden of Wales."

Let foreigners boast of their country and beauty,
Italians and Germans their flattering tales;
Can Frenchmen, with all their congees and courtesy,
Now equal Glamorgan, the Garden of Wales?
Our lasses with lustre all others excelling,
So modest and artless, so neat in their dwelling,
The muses of Cambria their praises are swelling,
Their beauty adorning the Garden of Wales.

Ye bards of the North, if ye now can deny it,
Pray sing of your mountains and desolate dales,
The youth that doth challenge will constantly term it,
Glamorgan the beauty, and Garden of Wales:"
In Cowbridge fair village this youngster doth flourish,
The Garden's sweet centre this flower did nourish,
And on her fair bosom he'll sing till he perish,
"Glamorgan's the beauty and Garden of Wales."


"Tra'r haul yn gwasgaru pelydrau ardderchog,
Awelon yn llithro'r cymmylau mewn bri,
Ar fynydd go uchel myfyriwn yn serchog
Ar lendid Morganwg-Gardd Cymru yw hi:
Mi gefais ddigrifwch, do, eithaf hyfrydwch,
Y bryniau a'r llwyni yn orlawn o degwch,
A lleisiau'r pentrefwyr yn seinio difyrwch,-
"Morganwg lân olwg, Gardd Cymru yw hi."