iawn yn wir, a dyn o Fôn hefyd, debygaf. Na bo byth ddiffyg o'i fath yn Môn rhagllaw. Ond pwy oedd Nest ych Hywel ? Nid geneth i Hywel ab Owen Gwynedd, y prydydd, oedd moni, mae'n debyg; e fyddai hyny yn ormod anachronism debygwn i. But I doubt Dr. Davies's Chronology in his. list of Authors is but guesswork for the most part. And supposing any remains of me should have the fortune to be extant 3 or 4 Centuries hence, 'tis as likely I should be placed at 1705 as at 1755, or perhaps I should face 1795, unless a Caniad Wyl Ddewi should ascertain the time. The Dr. generally put some twenty years between father and son : and if the time when my eldest lived should be computed by that rule, he must be a poet at six years before he was born, and some future son of mine (yet unborn and unthought of) would be still a much forwarder youth, and perhaps a cotemporary with his grandfather. But where do I ramble? My sons never will be poets unless I come to live in Wales while they are young, which I see no great likelihood of. My poor Bob Owen is in Anglesey with Twm Sion Twm, of Red Wharf, and has been there since the 1st of September; but what progress he has made in the language I can't learn. If he can once learn it, I will take care he shall not forget it; I expect him home very soon, because the piece of goods that I have in exchange is a little unmanageable, and therefore must be sent home by the first opportunity. Thomas's son is too great a fighter to live in Lancashire; that mischievous word taffy makes his Welsh blood to caper. Ces rhyw ganiad yn myned ym mlaen i ryw Iarll meddwch? Oes, oes; a phan gyntaf y gorphennir chwi a'i cewch. Ni nacceais i mo honnoch o'r Odlau Anacreonaidd; na wnewch mo'r cam â mi; ofni yr wyf mai drwg fu fy nghof y pryd hynny; ond am Frut Sibli yn Saesoneg, nid wyf yn cofio i chwi erioed ei gofyn gennyf. Ydyw, y mae Offeiriad Walton yn cyweirio croen y delyn ledr bob mynyd o seibiant a gaffo, ond chwi a'i cewch adref cyn bo hir, rhag eich marw o hiraeth. Er mwyn dyn, a gaed fyth afael ar yr hen farcutiaid a soniasoch am danynt gynt.? Gwaith Edmwnt Prys, &c. Mi a welais er ystalm o flynyddoedd, pan oeddwn yn Lleyn, holl ymrysonion a gorchestion Edmwnt Prys, a William Cynwal, gan yr hen berson Price
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