Tudalen:Llythyrau Goronwy Owen.djvu/120

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

English, Irish, Scots, and Manks; and (as to religion) Protestants and Papists, and (as to politics) high and low fliers, but all Georgites (within doors at least,) and yet, so far are we from national reflections, that the only appellation is brother, and, as I have the honour to be Chaplain, I can assure you our form of prayer (which is in English, as being the common language) is such as no Christian would refuse to join in, of what persuasion soever he should be. And as to politics, our whole contention consists in this, viz., who shall be the best man, the best subject, and the best Mason. In short, if there is ever a brother that is not as good as we could wish him, I am sure, he could not have been better, but worse without Masonry. But don't think I intend this as an apology for the craft. No, no, as it is a mystery it can't be apologised for to those that are strangers to it, and to those who know it, it needs no apology. A dyna ben am hyny o ymgommio.

Ffei o honaw! Ni thal Elisa Gowper i ganu iddo, ac onid ê, pa ddelw bynnag, moeswch yma'r Englynion. Ie, sach gwlan ydyw Elis yn ddiamau; nid oes dim a eill gyrraedd ei groen ef oddigerth haiarn poeth.

Ni waeth amcan merch i bwy Hywel oedd Nest, 'rwy'n tybied nad oedd gan Hywel ab Owen Fardd ddim plant ond bastardiaid fel fo ei hun, oblegyd nad oedd ond iefanc pan ga'dd ei ladd gan ei frawd Dafydd. Ond rhyfedd i Hywel, ac yntau yn fab i Wyddeles, fod cystal bardd. Ni chlybum ermoed sôn am ddim o waith Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd, er ei fod yn Gymro cynhwynol o dad a mam. Diddan o gorphyn ydoedd Hywel druan, yr achlod i Ddafydd ei ladd! Yr wyf fi yn lled ammau y byddai Hywel ambell waith mewn Awdyl yn taro i mewn air neu ddau o iaith ei fam, ac mai dyma'r achos fod ei iaith o'n dywyllach na iaith y beirdd eraill, er ei fod yn dra ail yn byw yn nghanol Môn. But to this you put a quære, beth arall ond Gwyddeleg yw asswsiwn, &c. But perhaps the transcribers wrong him; but then how come they to do justice to Taliesin, Llywarch Hen, and others, long before his time? However if our language was not copious enough of itself, Hywel had the best right of any to enrich it, being a very good poet, and well versed in the