Tudalen:Llythyrau Goronwy Owen.djvu/25

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Ond nid wyf fi yma yn amcanu pregethu, mewn llythyr, ac afraid yagatfydd fuasai i mi ddywedyd dim wrthych chwi ar y fath achos; oblegyd eich bod chwi, yr wyf yn deall, yn fwy cydnabyddus & brenin y dychryniadau na myfi; ac felly yn llai eich arswyd o honaw: canys mi glywais iddo o'r blaen fod yn anian agos attoch, cyn nesed a dwyn ymaith yr ail ran o honoch eich hun, sef asgwrn o'ch esgyrn, a chnawd o'ch cnawd chwi. Duw, yr hwn a'i galwodd hi i ddedwyddwch, a roddo i chwi oll amynedd a chysur.

I'm sorry my letter to Mr. Ellis was not kind enough; I think I thanked him for that and all other favours. What, did he expect that I should burst out in ecstacies, and launch forth into a panegyrick on his extraordinary erudition and deep skill in his mother's tongue, a specimen whereof he had inclosed in his letter. I was not so well-bred as to learn to flatter, and if that was what he expected, I am not sorry he .was disappointed; I thought the Doctor had been a man of sound years, and could take up with truth in its own native dress, without the bawd's stakes and garb of soothing and flattery. I have known him of old to be of a morose and peevish temper, an instance whereof he gave me at your house at Holyhead; for having given me a thesis to make a theme on, when I waited on him with it, made, I suppose, in the best manner I was then able (which was no way con- temptible considering my years) the good Dr. (I conceive, expecting that I should have outdone himself and Tom Brown too) fell into such extravagancy of passion as little became him, crying "What stuff is here! Out upon it! I've done with you! I don't want your Latin myself" (a wonder, forsooth, for a fellow of a College), and a great deal to the same purpose. Now I might as well have sent him back his Welsh paper with a What stuff! I can write better Welsh myself (a greater wonder) and I don't want it, &c., &c. And might have added likewise, and can write as good Latin or any other School language. However, if want of kindness in my letter is the reason why Cywydd y Farn is dropt, I am no way concerned at it; let him know (with thanks and compliments) that he does me a special and notable piece of