Tudalen:Llythyrau Goronwy Owen.djvu/27

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

ceisio eu gwastrodedd. Ond nid hyn mo gorph y gainge 'chwaith; mae'r rhieni yn waeth ac yn dostach na'r plant; pobl giaidd, galedion, ddigymmwynas, anoddefus ydynt oll—a'r arian yn brin, a'r cyflog yn gwtta, a'r cegau yn aml, a'r porthiant yn ddrud gyd & minnau—Duw a'm dycco o'u mysg hwynt, i'r nef neu Gymru, yr un a welo yn oreu.

I would not have you to communicate the contents of my letter to Mr. Ellis, not that I fear him or any of his kidney, but because I suppose his spleen is already on the stretch, and more provocation would do him harm. If his own ill nature and pride carries him to an indecent. height, it is what I cannot help, I am sure I designed him no offence or affront. If his notions of things and mine. do not exactly tally, where is the harm of it? Our thoughts and sentiments are free born, and cannot be brought into subjection to any one, and like our faith, can be wrought on by nothing but the convictions of reason and argument; whatever cessions and compliances may be squeezed out of us by awe and interest are but mere hypocrisy and dissimulation. And for him to deny me the liberty of enjoying my own sentiments (which by the bye, I doubt not, were juster than his own in that case) is, I say, as great a piece of tyranny as ever the man of Rome usurped over men's consciences: I beg you would let me know. in your next what part of my letter he was principally offended at. You may, if you please, make my compliments. to him as usual, and, if you will, shew him the Cywydd, which I wrote on the other side, on purpose that it might be cut. off from the letter. I have no more to add at present, but that I am, Dear Sir, your most obliged humble servant,


P. S. If Llangristiolus could be had at all, I suppose it would not be till after the Λεαθ of the πρεσεντ Ινκυμβεντ. Mi a adwaen yr hen gorph, a hen walch gwydn yw mi a'i gwrantaf. I don't understand this affair rightly; I am very well acquainted with Esq. B. do. 1. but would not take the world to write to him but on a sure footing—Duw gyd a chwi.