Tudalen:Llythyrau Goronwy Owen.djvu/77

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

Gwych yr newyddion a glywaf o Allt Fadog, a Llundain, a Chaer Gybi Sant yn nhylch Iarll Powys. Duw a dalo i'r tri brawd yn dri dyblyg am eu caredigrwydd, pe na ddigwyddai dim amgen nag wyf fi yn ei ddysgwyl. Gwychach genyf fi na dim yr anrhydedd a wnaed imi o'm dewis yn Aelod anwiw o Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion. Oni chaf rent, fe allai y caf fod naill ai'n "Gadeirfardd " neu'n "Gyff Cler" i'r Gymdeithas. Nid oes arnaf faint yn y byd o eisiau swmbwl, pe cawn lonyddwch ac amser. Yr archlodi Ieuan Brydydd Hir, na chaid gweled rhyw faint o'i waith ynteu! Dyna'r swmbwl goreu a'm gyrrai fi 'mlaen. Paham i mi'n wastadol

'Ganu pennill mwyn i'm nain,
Oni chân fy nain i minnau'

(chwedl y bobl)? Ond tawant hwy os mynnant, ni thaw mo'm gafn i, hyd oni bo arnaf ddiffyg testun, yr hyn ni ddigwydd yrhawg etto, oni ddaw rhyw droiad chwith ar fyd. I am under no manner of concern about my Works. It is equal to me whether they are printed or continue, as I have written them, for eighty or a hundred years longer. Let them take their chance, and shift for themselves, and share the common fate of all sublunary things. If I have not a better immortality than they can procure me, I had even as good have none. Yet they, amongst others, may help to preserve our language to posterity; and so far, and no further, a wise man and a lover of his country ought to regard them. Y mae'n resynol (chwedl chwithau) weled mor ddigydwybod y mae poblach yn llurguniaw ac yn sychmurniaw gwaith yr hen Ddafydd ap Gwilym druan. Let everybody say what they please, I can hardly forbear thinking that the word tyg is genuine and right. I take tyg to be nothing else but the masculine gender of teg. And the analogy it bears to other. words of the same sort, seems to me a sufficient ground for this opinion. Does not the masculine hysp make hesp in feminine? So sych, sech; gwlyb, gwleb; gwyn, gwen; tyn, ten; llyfn. llefn; etc.; and why not tyg, teg? though the former is now disused. To these may be added gwyrdd, crych, brych, and innumerably more. Neither do I make any doubt but that Dafydd ap Gwilym, or Gruffydd Grug, could have heard one say merch wech or gafr wellt without any offence to their ears.