Tudalen:Teulu Bach Nantoer.djvu/76

Prawfddarllenwyd y dudalen hon

HAFAL, a like, eqqual.
HANWYLIAID, np beloved ones (rf anwyliaid; s anwylyn).
HARDAL, n neighbourhood (rf
HEDD, n peace.
stacks ((s helm, tâs).
HELMAU (teisi, N. Wales), np
HENO, adv to-night.
HEWYLLYS, nm will, testament (rf ewyllys).
HING, n distress, anguish (rf ing).
HIR, a long.
HIRAETH, n yearning, longing.
HONGIAN, v dangling, hanging.
HOSAN, nf stocking.
HWYL, nf sail (HWYLIO, v sailing).
HWYLBREN, n mast.
HWYR, n evening.
HWYRACH, adv perhaps.
HUAWDLEDD, n eloquence.
HYSGWYDDAU, np shoulders (rf ysgwyddau; s ysgwydd).
IAITH, nf language, tongue.
LECH, nf flagstone, or slate (rf llech).
LETHR, nf slope, declivity (rf llethr).
LOGELL, nf pocket (rf llogell).
LUDDED, nf fatigue (rf lludded).
LUN, n portrait (rf llun).
LUS, np bilberries, whortleberries, also whinberries in some districts (rf llus; s llusen).
LYFNU, v to harrow (rf llyfnu).
LLAM, n leap.
LLANC, n youth, lad.
LLENYDDIAETH, n literature.
LLEWYGU, v faint.
LLU, n flood (in this case, p. 21, the sea, ocean).
LLITHRO, v to slip.
LLONG, nf ship.
LLONNI, to gladden.
LLUSERN, n lantern.
LLYFR, n book.
LLYGATDDU, a dark-eyed.
LLYGAID, np eyes (s llygad);
LLYGATLAS, blue eyes.
MACHLUD HAUL, n sunset.
MADDEUANT, n forgiveness, pardon.
MANGRE, nf place.
MANNAU, np places (s man).
MEDDDIANNAU, np possessions (s meddiant).
MEGIR, v (are) reared (p. 46).
MENYW, nf female.
MHENDERFYNIAD, n decision, determination (rf penderfyniad).
MHRIOD, nmf husband or wife, as the case may be (rf priod).
MINIOG, a keen, sharp.
MODRWY, nf ring.
MODRWYOG, curly.
MORWYN, n maid.
MUD, a dumb.
MURIAU, np walls (s mur).
MWYNHAD, n enjoyment.
MYNNAIS, v I insisted (pt).
MYNWENT, nf churchyard.
NADOLIG, n Christmas.
NANTOER, prop.n Cold-stream, name of house.
NEGES, nf message, errand.
NEWYDD FYND HEIBIO, only just over (or passed).
NITHIO, v winnowing.
NIWL, n fog, mist.
NODEDIG, adv (in this case, p. 5), remarkably.
NOSWEITHIAU np nights (s noswaith).
NWYFUS, a lively, sprightly.