Ceiriog a Mynyddog/Cynllun-wers

O Na Bawn yn Afon! Ceiriog a Mynyddog

gan Mynyddog

golygwyd gan John Morgan Edwards


Dyma ddeuddeg gofyniad ar un pennill, ac ateb iddynt gan eneth ysgol bymtheg oed. Ymarfered pob ysgolor ateb y gofyniadau hyn, neu eu tebyg, ar rai o'r penhillion ereill. 1. Translate:—

Disgynnai'r gwlaw, a gwynt y nos
A ruai yn y llwyn,
Pan oedd genethig dlawd, ddifam,
Yn dal ei chanwyll frwyn,
Wrth wely ei chystuddiol dad,
A'i gliniau ar y llawr,
Gan dynnu'r wylo iddi'i hun
A darllen y Beibl Mawr.

The rain was falling and the night— wind was roaring in the woods, when a poor, motherless little girl was holding her rush candle by the bed of her invalid father, kneeling on the floor, weeping silently, and reading the Family Bible.

2. Write the verse in your own words as a story:—

Unwaith ar noson wlawog, tra gwynt yn rhuo yn y coed, penliniai geneth fach ar y llawr wrth erchwyn gwely ei thad claf. Yr oedd yr eneth fach yn dlawd ac wedi claddu ei mham. Wrth oleu canwyll frwyn oedd yn ei llaw, darllennai'r Beibl mawr gan ymdrechu peidio wylo'n uchel.

3. Parse:—

Disgynnai'r gwlaw, a gwynt y nos
A ruai yn y llwyn.

Disgynnai Verb, intrans., reg., act. voice, indic. Mood imper. tense, 3rd pers., sing.

'r Def. article, past vocalic form, qual. "gwlaw."

gwlaw Com. noun, masc. gen., sing. no., nom. case to "Disgynnai."

a Conj. joining "Disgynnai'r gwlaw. . .gwynt a ruai.

gwynt Com. noun, masc. gen., sing. no., norn. case to "ruai.'

y Def. article, qual. "nos."

nos Com. noun, fem. gen., sing. no., poss. (Genitive) case, possessing "gwynt."

a rel. pron., mas. gen., sing. no., nom. case, agreeing with its antecedent "gwynt."

ruai Verb intrans., reg., act. voice, indic. mood, imper. tense, 3rd pers. sing.

yn Prep. governing "llwyn" in the Obj. (Accusative) Case.

y Def. art., qual. "llwyn."

llwyn Com. noun, masc. gen., sing. no., obj. case, after prep. "yn."

4. Analyse—

Disgynnai'r gwlaw, a gwynt y nos
A ruai yn y llwyn."

Con. W'ord. . . Ext. of Pred. Subject. Predicate Object Ext. of Pred.
r gwlaw Disgynnai
a gwynt y nos ruai yn y llwyn.

5. Make a list of the nouns in the verse. Give their plural or singular, gender and equivalent in English.

gwlaw, m., rain, gwlawogydd.
gwynt, m., wind, gwyntoedd.
nos, f., night, nosweithiau.
llwyn, m., forest, llwyni.
genethig, f., a little girl, no plural; diminutive noun fr. geneth
canwyll, f., a candle, canhwyllau.
brwynen, f., a rush, brwyn.
gwely, m., a bed, gwelyau.
tad, m. (mam fem.), father, tadau (mamau).
glin, f., knee, gliniau.
llawr, m., floor, lloriau.
Beibl, m., Bible, Beiblau.

6. Write out the verb nouns of the verbs in the verse, with their meaning.

disgyn, to descend; rhuo, to roar; bod, to be; dal, to hold; tynnu, to draw; darllen, to read.

7. Make a list of the adjectives and compare them. tlawd, tloted, tlotach, tlotaf, or mor dlawd, mwy tlawd, mwyaf tlawd.

mawr, cymaint, mwy, mwyaf,

cystuddiol, mor gystuddiol, mwy cystuddiol, mwyaf cystuddiol.

brwyn is a noun used as an adjective.

difam is an adj. formed from the noun mam (mother) and the prefix di (without)=motherless.

8. Decline the Prepositions yn, wrth, ar.

1st per. sing. . . . . ynnof . . . . wrthyf . . . . arnaf.
2nd ynnot wrthyt arnat.
3rd ynddo or ynddi wrtho or wrthi arno or arni.
1st pers. plu. ynnom wrthym arnom
2nd wrthoch arnoch
3rd ynddynt wrthynt arnynt

9. How do words beginning with the letters c, p, t, b, d, g, ll, m, &c., mutate (change) after the Prepositions ar, yn, wrth? Give examples.

c, p, t, change into the soft mutation g, b, d, after ar and wrth.

ar Gaer, ar bont, ar dân.

wrth Gorwen, wrth bren, wrth droed.

c, p, t, after yn change into nasal mutation ng, mh, nh.

yng Nghaer, ym Mangor, ym Mhwllheli.

10. What mutations follow ei in this verse?

ei chystuddiol. c is mutated into the nasal ch.

ei chanwyll. c is mutated into the nasal ch.

ei (her) fem., takes the nasal form; ei "(his) masc. takes the soft mutation-ei ganwyll, ei gystuddiol.

11. Explain the following words,-genethig, frwyn, chystuddiol, dad.

genethig is formed from the noun geneth, and the diminutive termination,-ig, forming a diminutive noun. Compare afonig, oenig.

frwyn is from the noun brwyn, sing. brwynen. It is here used as an adjective. 6 mutates into f because canwyll is a feminine noun.

chystuddiol dad. The adjective in Welsh, as a rule follows the noun. In English it precedes the noun. Ei thad cystuddiol would be the correct form in prose, but in poetry the adj. sometimes precedes the noun. There are a few adjectives that always come before the noun prif, arch.

12. Write six sentences based upon the words in the verse.

(1) Yr oedd ei thad cystuddiol yn gorwedd ar ei wely.
(2) Penliniai yr eneth fach druan ar y llawr oer.
(3) Chwythodd y gwynt y ganwyll frwyn allan.
(4) Hon yw yr eneth sydd wedi colli ei llyfr.
(5) Goleu gwan sydd gan y ganwyll.
(6) Cofiwch ddarllen y Beibl bob nos.

