Llythyrau Goronwy Owen/Llythyr 12

Llythyr 11 Llythyrau Goronwy Owen

golygwyd gan John Morris-Jones
Llythyr 13

𝔏𝔩𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔶𝔯 12.


Salop, April 19, 1753.


I TAKE this opportunity to return you thanks for the favour you did me in procuring me a curacy that is much better than my former, and to let you know that Mr. Brooke is willing to allow me £35 per annum according to my expectation. I do accept of it, and am engaged by promise to be at Walton before Low—Easter Sunday, and hope this exchange will be for my good. I am now in Salop, where I came to buy some few necessaries for rigging, &c. for I would not willingly appear very ill accoutred in a strange place on my first arrival. I forgot to bring a frank with me from home, and am loath to miss this Post, so beg you will pardon my putting you to a great expence this one time; as soon as I arrive at Walton I shall write to you again and then the frank will be of service. If Sion Dafydd Rhys is not already set out, I beg you would stop him till I am fixed at Walton. My compliments to Mr. Ellis, with abundance of thanks for 8. D. Rhys. My neighbouring ministers have promised to officiate for me here till a successor be provided, so my present patron can't think himself ill—used. The worst that I have to fear from this affair is, that I shall have some difficulty in removing my family. As soon as I am fixed you shall hear from me. I've no leisure to add any more, but that I am, Dear Sir, your most obliged humble servant,


O.S.—Gwae fi na wyddwn pa un ai bod Llewelyn yn Nghallt Fadog ai ynte yn Llundain; yr wyf ar dorri fy nghalon o eisiau clywed oddiwrtho fo.

